@database JSW2Install.guide @$VER: JSW2Install v2.00 documentation (c) 1997-98 John Girvin @smartwrap @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node main "JSW2Install - Main index" @{jcentre} @{b}JSW2Install - Jet Set Willy II HD Installation Package@{ub} @{b}(c) 1997-1998 John Girvin@{ub} @{b}Version 2.00@{ub} @{i}For your own sake, please read the @{"usage notes" link notes} before attempting to use this package. There are some important points you may miss or get wrong if you don't!@{ui} @{jleft} @{u}Table of Contents@{uu} @{" Description " link description} @{" Price and Distributability " link pricedist} @{" Usage notes " link notes} @{b}IMPORTANT!@{ub} @{" Installing " link installing} @{" Configuring " link configuring} @{" Playing " link playing} @{" Troubleshooting " link trouble} @{" Known problems " link problems} @{" Author information " link author} @{" Project history " link history} @{" Future plans " link future} @{" Acknowledgements " link acknowledge} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node description "JSW2Install - Description" @toc main This is version 2.00 of a hard drive installation package for the Software Projects game "Jet Set Willy 2", allowing you to run the game from your hard drive instead of floppy. It includes options for infinite lives, invulnerability and selectable number of glasses to be collected and also allows you to load and save the game position at any time. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node notes "JSW2Install - Usage notes" @toc main @{b}JSW2Install is provided "as is" and is used at your own risk. The author is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the use or misuse of this program. It almost certainly *wont* destroy your Amiga, but if it does (or does anything else untoward) then I cannot be held responsible.@{ub} @{i}You should completely delete any existing v1.00 installation before attempting to install this version.@{ui} Requires version 43.3 or later of the "Installer" program. This is available for free download from Aminet in the "util/misc" subdirectory: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/util/misc/Installer-43_3.lha Requires approximately 1Mb of free space on your hard drive. Please do not attempt installation if you have less than this amount free on the partition you intend to install Jet Set Willy II on. Requires version 0.608 or later of the WHDLoad package by Bert Jahn. v0.608 is included in this archive and will be installed along with the game when you use the installer. You will require an @{i}original@{ui} copy of the Jet Set Willy II game disk! This installer is unlikely to work with any pirate versions of the game, nor will I ever modify it to do so. Do not attempt to crunch or pack the game files (the files found in the "data" subdirectory) or the JSWHD slave program. The WHDLoad program may be packed like any normal program. After installation is complete, you may delete the directory produced by extracting this archive ("JSW2Install"). All files required for running the game will be found in the directory created during installation. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node installing "JSW2Install - Installing" @toc main @{b}Have you read the @{"usage notes" link notes} yet?@{ub} Extract all files in the archive to your system. They will be extracted to a drawer called "JSW2Install" Open the newly created "JSW2Install" drawer and double click on the "Install_JSW2" icon found there. Follow the instructions given to you by the Installer program! When running the installer it is advisable to disable any virus checking software you may have running. The original game disk uses a non-standard bootblock which will most likely cause your virus checker to complain and this could interefere with the installation process. It is not necessary to disable such programs before playing the game once it is installed. During the installation process, multitasking must be disabled temporarily while the game data is copied from the floppy to your hard disk. For this period you will not be able to do anything else with your Amiga. @{b}DON'T PANIC@{ub} - its normal. If it seems that the installation process has hung while the game data is being copied from floppy, reset your Amiga and try running the installer again. This is a problem with the original game's disk access code which may be addressed in a @{"future release" link future} of this package. The game will be installed to a directory you select on your hard drive. You will be alerted @{"if installation fails" link trouble} for any reason. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node configuring "JSW2Install - Configuring" @toc main Various aspects of the Jet Set Willy II game can be changed by the following methods: @{" ...by tooltypes " link cfg_tooltype} @{" ...by shell parameters " link cfg_shell} @{" ...with the user interface " link cfg_gui} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node cfg_tooltype "JSW2Install - Configuring with tooltypes" @toc configuration The "Jet_Set_Willy_II" program icon has a number of tooltypes which may be modified to change the set of options that are activated by default. Specifying a tooltype will activate the corresponding option by default; omitting a tooltype will deactivate the option by default. Note that the settings specified by the tooltypes are merely @{i}defaults@{ui} and may be overridden by options chosen in the @{"user interface" link cfg_gui}. @{u}Options:@{uu} @{" NOGUI " link opt_nogui} @{" INF_LIVES " link opt_lives} @{" INVULNERABLE " link opt_invul} @{" GLASSES " link opt_glasses} @{" USESAVE " link opt_save} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node cfg_shell "JSW2Install - Configuring with shell parameters" @toc configuration When started from a Shell, the "Jet_Set_Willy_II" program can accept a number of parameters which change the set of options that are activated by default. Specifying a parameter will activate the corresponding option by default; omitting a parameter will deactivate the option by default. Note that the settings specified by the parameters are merely @{i}defaults@{ui} and may be overridden by options chosen in the @{"user interface" link cfg_gui}. @{u}Options:@{uu} @{" NOGUI " link opt_nogui} @{" INF_LIVES " link opt_lives} @{" INVULNERABLE " link opt_invul} @{" GLASSES " link opt_glasses} @{" USESAVE " link opt_save} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node cfg_gui "JSW2Install - Configuring with the user interface" @toc configuration The installed game has a user interface which, unless disabled with the @{"NOGUI" link opt_nogui} tooltype or parameter, may be used to change the set of options activated during play on a game by game basis. Initially all user interface options are set to the default values stored in the @{"program tooltypes" link cfg_tooltype} or specified by the @{"command line parameters" link cfg_shell}. Changes made to settings with the user interface will override the defaults. The user interface has a number of "checkbox" gadgets which are used to enable and disable different options and a "slider" to @{"set the number of glasses" link opt_glasses} that are to be collected. To activate an option, e.g.: @{"infinite lives" link opt_lives}, you must click on the appropriate gadget. A checkmark (tick) will appear in the box beside any activated option; if the box is empty then the option is inactive and will not affect the game. The options which may be set by the user interface are as follows: @{" INF_LIVES " link opt_lives} @{" INVULNERABLE " link opt_invul} @{" GLASSES " link opt_glasses} @{" USESAVE " link opt_save} When you have selected the options you wish to use, click the "Play" gadget in the lower left of the window. The game will now load and run if possible. If you started the game by mistake, or have changed your mind and do not want to play right now then click the "Cancel" gadget in the lower right of the window. The window will close and the game will not be started. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node opt_nogui "JSW2Install - NOGUI option" @toc configuration @{b}@{u}NOGUI@{uu}@{ub} Specify this tooltype or parameter to disable the @{"user interface link cfg_gui}. If the interface is disabled then the game will run with the default options specified in the other tooltypes or parameters. If NOGUI is @{i}not@{ui} specified then the user interface will appear. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node opt_lives "JSW2Install - INF_LIVES option" @toc configuration @{b}@{u}INF_LIVES@{uu}@{ub} Activate this option to enable an infinite lives cheat during play. When this cheat is enabled, you can still be killed but the number of remaining lives will not be reduced. Note that, due to the nature of the Jet Set Willy II game, it is possible to get stuck in an "infinite loop" when this cheat is active where you keep getting killed only to reappear in a fatal position again. If the INF_LIVES option is @{i}not@{ui} activated the infinite lives cheat defaults to being disabled during play. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node opt_invul "JSW2Install - INVULNERABLE option" @toc configuration @{b}@{u}INVULNERABLE@{uu}@{ub} Activate this option to enable an invulnerabilty cheat during play. When this cheat is enabled, you cannot be killed by anything in the game. Note that, due to the nature of the Jet Set Willy II game, it is possible to get stuck in and be unable to get out of a position that would normally be fatal. If the INVULNERABLE option is @{i}not@{ui} active the invulnerability cheat defaults to being disabled during play. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node opt_glasses "JSW2Install - GLASSES option" @toc configuration @{b}@{u}GLASSES=@{i}@{ui}@{uu}@{ub} Set this option to specify the number of glasses that Willy has to collect before Maria will allow him to go to bed. @{i}@{ui} should be a number between 0 and 162. If the GLASSES option is not specified or is set to a value outside the allowed range then the game will begin, as normal, with 162 glasses left to collect. See also the @{"USESAVE" link opt_save} option for further information. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node opt_save "JSW2Install - USESAVE option" @toc configuration @{b}@{u}USESAVE@{uu}@{ub} Activate this option to start your game at the position last saved to disk. If the USESAVE option is not activated or if no saved position exists on disk, you will start at the normal position. @{u}NB:@{uu} There is an interaction between the @{"GLASSES" link opt_glasses} and USESAVE options when used together since they can both modify the number of glasses that are to be collected in order to finish the game. GLASSES modifies it directly while USESAVE forces the installer to set the number from the saved game information. In all cases the @{u}least@{uu} number of glasses will be used as the actual number to be collected. For example: if the GLASSES option specifies 100 glasses to be collected but a saved game exists with 50 glasses left to collect, the number left to collect when the game starts will be set to 50. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node playing "JSW2Install - Playing" @toc main @{" From Workbench " link play_wb} @{" From Shell " link play_shell} @{" In-game options " link play_ingame} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node play_wb "JSW2Install - Playing from Workbench" @toc playing Open the "Jet_Set_Willy_II" drawer created during installation and click on the "Jet_Set_Willy_II" icon. If you have not set the @{"NOGUI" link opt_nogui} tooltype in the program's icon, the @{"user interface" link cfg_gui} will now appear. If you have set this tooltype, the user interface will not appear and the game will immediately run with the default options set in the @{"icon tooltypes" link cfg_tooltype}. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node play_shell "JSW2Install - Playing from Shell" @toc playing "CD" (change directory) to the "Jet_Set_Willy_II" drawer created during installation. Run the "Jet_Set_Willy_II" program with the required @{"parameters" link cfg_shell}. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node play_ingame "JSW2Install - In-game options" @toc playing When the game is running, the following keys may be used: @{b}S @{ub} = save game position to disk @{b}L @{ub} = load game from saved position if available @{b}F9@{ub} = quit and make a coredump (for debugging only) @{b}F10@{ub} = quit the game and return to Workbench. @{b}DO NOT PRESS "L" OR "S" EXCEPT IN THE MAIN GAME!@{ub} @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node trouble "JSW2Install - Trouble shooting" @toc main Please read the @{"usage notes" link notes} and @{"known problems" link problems} sections of this document if you have not done so already. They contain important information which may help resolve your problem. If you are using a pirate copy of the game, stop reading now. I will make no fixes for pirate copies the game. Don`t even ask. If you are going to send a bug report (email preferred) please include at least the following information: - version of the game (eg. 1 MB English Version ECS), number of disks etc. - configuration of your machine including type of Amiga, CPU, CPU speed, amount of chip and fast memory, gfx chipset (OCS/ECS/AGA), special hardware, kickstart version - description of what happens eg: error while installing, error while starting, gfx errors, keyboard hangs, game crashes on level 15 etc. It helps if you describe @{i}exactly@{ui} when the error happens and if it happens all the time or just intermittently. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node problems "JSW2Install - Known problems" @toc main - the positions of "enemies" are not saved when you save your game position and are reset to their initial positions when you reload the saved game. You should therefore ensure that Willy is in a safe location out of the paths of any nearby enemies before saving the game, or else one may appear right on top of him when the game is reloaded! - there are numerous points throughout the game where you can get permanently stuck if the infinite lives or invulnerability cheats are activated because Willy cannot die and get set back to a safe position. Be very careful when using these cheats! Save often. - the installer is written in as system friendly a way as possible, but the game is not. Owners of heavily expanded Amigas may have problems running the game, but this is not the fault of JSW2Install and there is little I can do about it :( Try the usual system degrading tricks if you run into difficulties. - the exit and coredump keys only work in the main game. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node history "JSW2Install - History" @toc main 1.00 First version, basic HD install. Released to Aminet in September 1997. 2.00 Added trainers, load/save options and GUI. Released to Aminet in February 1998. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node future "JSW2Install - Future developments" @toc main - rewrite the trackloader to remove self modifying code that could break on higher CPUs. - option to let you position Willy using the cursor keys during the game to get out of situations where he gets stuck due to being immortal(!). Might not be possible, so no promises. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node pricedist "JSW2Install - Price and distributability" @toc main One email message - JSW2Install is emailware. If you use it then let me know! I'd also appreciate a postcard of your home town, especially if you live outside of the UK! This isnt required, but it would be @{i}nice@{ui}. Cash donations, gifts etc. are also appreciated; these tend to also buy you faster and more positive responses to help and change requests... (c) 1997-1998 John Girvin. No modifications may be made to either the program or its accompanying files/documentation without my explicit prior consent. Freely Distributable, provided all files are included unchanged in any distribution and no more than minimal handling/media costs are charged. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node author "JSW2Install - Author information" @toc main @{b}Name:@{ub} John Girvin @{b}E-Mail:@{ub} girv@girvnet.demon.co.uk @{b}WWW:@{ub} http://www.girvnet.demon.co.uk @{b}SnailMail:@{ub} J. Girvin, 25 Moorgate Street, Belfast BT5 5BZ, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. @endnode @rem ----------------------------------------------------- @node acknowledge "JSW2Install - Acknowledgements" @toc main "Jet Set Willy II" is (c) 1992 Software Projects. WHDLoad is (c) Bert Jahn. Bert's homepage, with the latest version of WHDLoad plus installers for many games and demos can be found at: http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~jah/whdload.html Thanks to Luke Osbaldeston for lending me the original Jet Set Willy II disk, and for hassling me into doing the installer and trainers! @endnode